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The Full Story


Veronica Di Francesco, born in Milan, began her artistic journey at the age of 11 with dance which she cultivated on both an artistic and therapeutic level, becoming a performer and dance therapist.


After years of research, experimentation, a volunteer experience abroad as a dance therapist and deep work on herself, in 2014 she decided to express herself not only through dance, but also with clay, metals and natural elements. Emotions that are transformed into gestures and gestures that are transformed into jewels and sculptures.


In 2016 Veronica Di Francesco opened Arkè - Shop & Lab in Como, an artistic laboratory where material jewels, furnishing sculptures and installations come to life.

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For me dance is life.

I made this phrase by Roger Garaudy my own

" What would happen if, instead of simply building our existence, we had the madness or wisdom to dance it?"

I can't imagine an existence without dance. Dance understood as an expression of oneself through the unique free, spontaneous gesture.


For me art is above all self-expression.

A means to communicate with the outside world, to give voice to one's interiority.

Through a gesture or a concrete object, art for me is telling and telling myself.

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